Special Event Station


January 25, 2025

10:00 am – 4:00 pm CST

The Milwaukee Radio Amateurs’ Club is celebrating 108 years of continuous service as an amateur radio club, and 106 years of affiliation with the ARRL (the national association for amateur radio). We will be on the air from the Ham Radio Outlet showroom working HF (likely 20-meters and 40-meters) and our VHF repeater (145.390 MHz PL 127.3) or WiRES-X (#43588). Watch our Facebook page or the spotting network, DX Summit for updates.

Volunteers from the club are needed on-air and logging. A sign-up sheet at the January 18 Members Meeting will be available to secure your time behind the mic.

A commemorative certificate is available upon request for stations with confirmed contact with W9RH/108 during the Special Event. To request your certificate, please send an email to: specialeventstation@w9rh.org, including your name, call sign and preferred email address for receiving the certificate.

Here are some pix from 2024’s event.

Above: Jeff (KD9VGH), Rich (W9ABE), Fred  (W9KEY),  Gary(KD9VGL), Jeff (AD9AB).

Left: Dick (N9EEE), Dave (KD9YYI)

Right: Jeff (AD9AB), Dick (N9EEE)

Not pictured: Carter (W9ERR), Ted (N9KQQ)